Francis Holland Prep hosted a twelve-team round of the Cicero Cup on Thursday afternoon. FHP put forward three teams of six comprised of members from Years 5 and 6. An additional group of girls attended the competition to assist as chairpersons and timers. Competition was fierce with Putney High, Millfield Prep, Eaton Square Prep, Eveline Day School, Ibstock Place School and Garfield Primary all competing.
The first round was a ‘seen debate’ in which girls were aware of the motion a week prior to the date of competition. Although they were not aware whether they were proposing or opposing the motion, they were able to prepare as much as possible. The second round was more testing as an impromptu debate with pupils finding out the debate 30 minutes before the round commenced.
Teams had to propose or oppose whether young children were responsible enough to own mobile phones. The standard of debating was high, filled with quick fire responses from pupils on all sides. Alas, when the decision of a final winner was announced, Putney High proved to be the stronger debaters in this round.
Although the Prep School did not progress to the next round, they are already looking forward to the next debating competition they can enter.
Mr Russell, Teacher of History and Current Affairs