PSHE Curriculum

The Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme at Francis Holland Prep is integral to our wellbeing provision, empowering pupils to become healthy, independent, and responsible members of society.

Our weekly specialist lessons allow pupils to learn about the three key themes of Relationships, Living in the Wider World, and Health and Wellbeing. Covering moral, social, and cultural issues that are part of growing up, as well as rights and responsibilities, encourages us to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our girls develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


At Francis Holland Prep, friendship skills are taught explicitly through the dedicated curriculum of ‘Friendology’. Friendology empowers our pupils with the tools and knowledge of how to make good friendships in school and beyond. Girls learn a common language around friendships, how to establish and maintain healthy relationships, manage conflict with kindness and increase their overall resilience. We recognise the importance of fostering these skills in children and therefore dedicate time in every year group to contribute to a culture of kindness, happiness and acceptance at Francis Holland Prep.

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