This morning School Council introduced the new playground toys. Here is the poem they read to the girls, written by Miss Parker:
“School Council has some very exciting news.
We have lots of new playground toys for you to choose.
We’ll go through them one by one,
Please listen carefully and you can have some fun.
Giant matching dominoes stand in a row,
Knock them down and watch them go!
Catch a Cup Game, your hand eye coordination will improve,
Especially when you get into the groove.
Bean bags flying through the air,
Landing softly here and there.
Sticky Catch Mitts, be sure to catch the ball,
Can you catch 10, without letting it fall?
Quoits to toss with careful aim,
Score a ring and win the game!
Balance on the walkway tight,
Step by step, keep your sight.
Hula hoops spinning round and round,
See who can keep it off the ground!
But remember, FHP, as you play,
Look after toys, don’t let them stray.
Share with others, take your turn,
Play with care, it’s fun to learn.
And when you throw, be sure and wise,
Don’t let the balls soar to the skies,
Or over the wall, where they can’t be found,
Let’s keep our toys safe and sound!
When the bell rings, don’t delay,
Tidy up, put the toys away.
Put them neatly back in the storage boxes
So they won’t get ruined by rain or foxes.
In the playground, fun will stay,
When we treat our toys the right way.”
Miss Smith, Senior Deputy Head