What a wonderful time we have had in Science Week studying biology, physics and chemistry! It has been incredible exploring various aspects of science with the girls. We kicked off the week with mind-blowing facts about our bodies as our study of biology. Did you know that our noses and ears never stop growing? Or that babies have more bones than adults?
Tuesday was a whirlwind of circus excitement, with juggling and balancing acts captivating everyone and explaining physics. We had great fun as we tried our hand at some circus tricks! Wednesday brought ‘Potty Potions Day’, where the girls learnt about the density of liquids, acid and alkaline and how to make a fizzy bottle explode. Lots of chemistry involved! Thursday was an out-of-this-world experience as our senior girls spoke about their visit to NASA where they witnessed a total eclipse. The girls were in awe, hearing about the wonders of space from their peers.
We ended the week with the eagerly anticipated arrival of our feathered friends, the birds of prey! It was another day filled with fascinating facts about these beautiful birds. The girls have learnt so much which they would love to share with you! Do ask them to show you their science passports.
Miss Bhaiyat, Head of Junior Science