On Thursday 5th September 2024, Francis Holland Preparatory School opened its doors for the very first time, welcoming all our pupils to their new school!
Despite the rainy weather, there were smiles all round as girls were dropped off at 15 Manresa Road by their parents (or our brand new Prep minibus!) for the very first time. Head of Francis Holland Prep, Mrs Dixon, and Head of Francis Holland, Sloane Square, Mrs Haydon, were greeting our pupils along with all the amazing Prep School teachers who have been working tirelessly to prepare for opening day.
Once settled, it was time for assembly! Mrs Dixon welcomed her pupils before explaining that a school is only a school when there are pupils in it – Francis Holland Prep is NOW a school! The Right Reverend Doctor Emma Ineson, Bishop of Kensington was our guest of honour and described Francis Holland Prep as a place of love, learning and joy before leading the school in a prayer and blessing. She then cut a ceremonial ribbon to declare Francis Holland Prep officially open.
Reverend Ineson also visited the Reception girls in their classrooms, sitting down on the carpet to talk to them about their new school.
The first day of school follows the Reception Welcome Morning that took place the day before and offered our youngest pupils the opportunity to get to know their class teachers, new friends and new school in their own time.
We cannot wait for the year to come – the first year of Francis Holland Prep!